Beauty Hydration is a new medical spa business in Los Angeles, a complete lifestyle brand that caters to beauty and wellness. Shelley reached out to me after having complications with her previous website designer. The site was not done after 5 months and Shelley was referred to me by Yoori.
The Design
The design was taken from a designer that Shelley had hired. I replicated the design and added animation such as parallax scroll and scrolling animation menu bars. I made some minor design changes for services that would make it fit more better with the user experience.
The site was built using HUGO and forestry.io. Forestry is used to enter in all the information the site had and allowed for easier management for the website. This proved to be a lot easier to manage than Wordpress.
The Result
Beauty Hydration was launched earlier this month of September 2020. I ran speed tests and it ranks high in the 90s. With Snipcart integrated, it did have a little negative impact on the page score to rank higher.