Hungry Ram Web Design
SiteGround Websites Dropped From Google

SiteGround Websites Dropped From Google

Websites on SiteGround has been dropping from Google since Monday! SiteGround has been one of the best hosting providers for WordPress websites until this week where users have noticed drops in ranking.

Many websites on SiteGround rely on web hosting that can support high-volume traffic and provide the best performance. Unfortunately, many business owners that rely on organic traffic have no doubt lost a lot of revenue due to the drop in Google search.

Putting it all on Google and AWS

Apparently, SiteGround claims that the source of the problem was a network issue between AWS Global Accelerator and Google.

SiteGround has reportedly sent the issue to Google to identify.

SiteGround customers not happy

Customers of SiteGround are saying they never received an email notification of the issue until finding out about their website drop in rankings.

SiteGround finds a fix

As of 2:34 AM. SiteGround has posted an update on Twitter that they have implemented a fix.

Customers are instructed to wait a few hours for DNS to take effect. However, some users are still seeing that their site is not back to normal even after a few hours.

We still don't know if SiteGround completely fixed the issue as there are many users taking to SiteGround Twitter to express their anger.

Having reliable hosting

As you can see, hosting is important for your website. SiteGround hosting was the most recommended hosting company to both new and experienced users since it had a great performance, great uptime, exceptional customer service, fast servers and most importantly hosting plans that are scalable.

However, it seems that they have lost their edge after this week's debacle.

There are a few hosting companies that still offer great hosting for a reasonable price. Below is a couple of ones we've liked:

A2 Hosting: A good hosting alternative that has been around since 2001 and is known for hosting websites that receive a lot of traffic. These hosting packages also have an option to increase your bandwidth, disk space, and website traffic as you need.

WPEngine Hosting: WPEngine hosting is known for hosting high-traffic WordPress websites. WPEngine hosting has the most advanced hosting platform on the market that not only secures your website but also optimizes your website's performance and delivers lightning-fast load time to people across the globe.

We use Netlify

Netlify hosting is also another hosting provider that is highly scalable and offers hosting for high-traffic websites. Netlify serves websites through a CDN network and has been approved by companies like Google, Facebook, and Verizon.

If you're hosting a high-volume website, chances are that your hosting may not be able to handle the traffic or you have no idea if your hosting is reliable. Netlify hosting can actually help you with hosting your business website. We've had great experiences with them and hosting static sites through Netlify has been giving our clients an upper hand against their competitors.

WordPress hosting has been a nightmare for website owners in recent months due to hosting companies that can't handle traffic spikes. SiteGround hosting takes the blame for this week's outage.

Our final thoughts

If you are hosting with SiteGround or any other hosting company, now might be a good time to look into changing hosting companies if your website has been dropped from Google this week.

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